the story of skin cayro's life in this lovely earth. one of the proof of his existence. one of the way to express himself to the world! the good, the best , the bad and the ugly side of his life
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
beautiful Maria of my soul
in the sunlight of your smile
in the summer of our life
in the magic of love
storms above scattered away
lovers dreaming in the night
reaching for paradise
but as the dark shadows fade
love slips away
on an empty stretch of beach
in the pattern of the waves
drawingpictures with my hand
in the sand, I see your face
skipping pebbles on the sea
wishing for Paradise
sand castles crumble below
the restless tides ebb and flow
listening to a shell
hoping for your voice
beautiful Maria of my soul
though we'll always be apart
locked forever in a dream
ifI ever love again
even then, nothing will change
and the taste of you remains
clinging to Paradise
but as the distance from you grows
all that my heartever knows
hunger for your kiss
longing for your touch
beautiful Maria ofmy soul
filling all my nights
haunting all my days
beautiful Maria of my soul
the 1st time i heard this song is when i saw the movie mambo kings.
that was my 1st experience in the art of mambo.
the song was sang by los lobos.
it has a melodic tune n wonderful lyric.
it is one of my favorite tv series right now.
in 2nite episode a woman was admitted with a sleep sickness.
in can only infect her by 2 ways.
d 1st if she has ever been 2 africa.
d 2nd is she slept with a guy who has that disease.
after much discussion it is the 2nd way which got her infected with
the african sleep disease.
it is very hard for her hushband.
it is because he love her somuch.
the betrayal is to much for him 2 bare.
after the wife came out of the comma,
he left of the doctor tried 2 make him stay but,
the fact he knows that his wife love him,
didn't stop him from leaving her.
my question what would i do if i was in his shoes?
would i stay with my wife who cheats on me?
or would i left her?
it is a very hard question 2 ask myself.
but i already know my answer.
no matter how much she love me or how much i love her,
once she already cheated me with another man,
i'll definitely left her.
my reason is simple.
it is not the matter of trust.but the matter of speciality.
for me if my wife has been touch by another man,
then what is left for me that is very special to me only.
for me my wife is only for me.
what i get from her cannot b share with another man.
that's why i'm not keen on other man's girls or woman.
1st cz i know what they(the women) mean to the guys.
2ndly most of the women have already given their guys what guys wants from a women.
and u gonna have their left overs.why must u have something that has been used before
when u can get a brand new n fresh ones.
i really cannot stand if my girl has been touch or seen by other man.
but that just me.
cz i really want my girl to special to me only.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Monday, September 26, 2005
The Scientist
Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you
Tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart
Tell me your secrets
Ask me your questions
Oh, let's go back to the start
Running in circles
Coming up tales
Heads on a science apart
Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh, take me back to the start
I was just guessing
At numbers and figures
Pulling your puzzles apart
Questions of science
Science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart
Tell me you love me
Come back and haunt me
Oh, and I rush to the start
Running in circles
Chasing tales
Coming back as we are
Nobody said it was easy
Oh, it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I'm going back to the start...
this song i heard it 1st when i saw the video clip on mtv.
i instantly got hook because of its catchy tune.
than when i went 2 c the movie wicker park,
i heard it again because it was on this movie soundtrack.
damn coldplay always come up with a good song with a catchy tune.
the lyrics is quite meaningful 2.
this song almost single handedly tell what the movie is about.
for me this movie wicker park is 1 hell of a movie.....if u miss it
shame on u. pls get urself a dvd of this movie,
it is definitely a movie worth watching for.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
HAppY BiRtHDay :)
Happy birthday 2 me,
happy birthday 2 me,
Happy birthday 2me,
hmm........2day 24th september 2005, i'm officially 24 years old.
i was born in klang on this same date........24th september 1981,
i felt kinda weird.....when ur age match ur birthday date.
the best part is i don't feel like i'm 24 years old.
may b because life 4 mens start at 4o.
hehehehe most women hate that part because they think it is an excuse
use by men to search out other possiblelities.
i really thank god for letting me celebrate my 24th birthday.
although i'm just 24.........i've already accumulate enough experience on life.
been through ups n downs.
in all aspects of life.........mentally,physically,spiritually n financially.......ohh almost forgot
also in love.
for me all the experience above have made me a betterman.
some experience have made my mind opens 2 new idea.
some experience have thought me how 2 react in certain situation.
some experience have made me feel new feelings......feelings that i used 2 read or saw in a movie.
i really appreciate what i've got now but.........i still wanna keep improving myself,
because in this material world money n knowlegde are powerful tools,
that can help me achieve my dreams n my goals.
for my master ALLAH SWT,
i'll try my best to be a good slave...a slave always obey UR rules n order.
for without U my LORD.....i'm just a insect in this universe of URS.
my sign is libra..........that's y i'm a person that believe in balance.

like the chinese yin-yang......libra sign is the weighing scale.

that's y i've a problem when it come 2 ISLAM.
because i'm a a person who like balance in everything that i do.
so half of my life is for this materials world n another half for the next.
kinda hard for me to give this world up n give my heart n soul for the nxt.
anyway i would like to thks my family for supporting me all this years, my friends who always b there for me through thick n thin.
urs truly:
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
heart......... ;)

this is one of my fovorite songs of all use 2 b just a song 2 me which has a lovely n catchy tune.but few years ago this song became a reality to me.the lyrics of this song became my story,i really connected with the song.i sang it so my times that the lyrics was printed in my sub-consious.though that was in the i'm cured of that sickness, whoah.....thank god i manage 2 move on.......damn the journey was hard but right now it started to pay me some divident.i c the world with different view........a change man.......a man with something to prove to my ownself.sick n tired of living with all past memories which only causes me pain........gonna seek new n lovelier memories than be4.
though sometimes when i'm alone a thought come 2 me.where do i gonna find a women that can say that vows......."through health n sickness,for richer or poor to death do us a part." n honour that vows until their death.right now it is hard to find a woman that can do that the past it was very easy.for me most of the women right now when their love ones face with a problem which resulted in the women pain.......the women will leave tha poor man to just a mistake........that can b heal by love."anything happened i'll always by urside"is a dialogue that women love to said to man.but when things come to worse.......the man really needed her......she gives up.through thick n thin my ass!!!!!!!!!!!
can i ever trust a women?can i trusted her with my heart n soul? it's only can be answer by me when i face a woman that i gonna b falling in love in the future.because for now the things above is just a minor distraction 2 me in achiving my dreams.
the thing that made me write this because i just seen the movie CINDERELLA MAN it is a true story of the heavyweight champion JAMES J.BRADDOCK the bulldog of bergen.i really amaze how his wife was standing beside him through all the hard time,since she was married to him when he was a young prodigy the "great depression" jim was out of his luck.......he has to beg to all the promoters for money to settle the electric bills fo the sake of keeping his family 2gether.for the rest of the story better u go n c the movie urself.for me if i ever manage to find a woman like mae braddock it would've make my life so complete.
for the women out there pls set mae braddock as ur example, she is a loyal wife,a good mother n most of all she always stand by her man.
as 4 myself right now i really like being single because i'm not stabile enough to sustain a relationship phsycally,mentally n financially.haven't found the right woman yet......hope in the future when i'm already achieve my goals n dreams.....i'll find a woman that will stand by me until death do us a part.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
bad luck....huh!?
the reasons:
@-------->my streamyx connection is very not stabile, it cause me setbcks in my job.
(damn lerrr tmnet!!!!)
@-------->my favorite club has been in a slump, REAL MADRID 3 defeats in 3 game.
(come on guys pls be d galacticos that u r!!!!)
@--------->approaching my 24th birthday but still at the same place as 5 years ago.
(argh!!!!!! not lookin 4ward 4 it.)
@--------->do not know what i wanna do 4 my birthday.
(got prob with my financial)
@--------->my life rite now is in gapping down movement.
(wait n c when it gonna achieve gapping up!!)
@--------->have a problem in faith.
(still working 2 b a good muslim)