Friday, August 05, 2005

its been a long time.........

finally i manage to write something on this blog after a while. not that i didn't want 2 write but my life been so busy lerr.few things happens for the past month.

1st @>---> i lost my grandmama.she finally died peacefully.only regret i wasn't there 2
witness her last breath.
2nd @>---> TUN M make a fuss about ap which brings this country into quite a dispute.
4 me he 's just worried that proton has lost its edge againts imported cars.
PROTON is just damn foul!!!!!!!

3rd @>---> Real Madrid manage 2 sign 2 brasillian player.julio baptista n robinho.
it's gonna b one hell of a season.

4th @>---> already seen all the nu movies.War of d world,seven sword,F4 n stealth.
what enjoyment its been 4 me.

5th @>--->fall in love with an actress name jessica biel.
she has all d qualities that i want from a woman.
she's perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6th @>---> my rugby team the mighty all blacks win the lion tour 3-0.
long live the haka!!!!!

7th @>---> found a gurl that i kinda like but still afraid to make a move on her.
she's so lovely.........with a smile that can lit up the whole world.
a smile that melt my heart from the moment i met her.

8th @>---> manage to find a way 2 finally shut the people who said i got no future.
we gonna c who got the last laugh.

9th @>---> been requested for an interview with mas for pilot position.
i'll try my best.

what a great month for me.hope it is to you 2.


engineerfahmi said...

im sorri to hear about ur granny bro... the fact is we both went the same road... my granny past away 3 months ago... and i was in Newcastle and in the middle of exam... pick ur self up bro... the world moves on and im sure she's in a better place.... u take care of urself mate... Joey aka bluemeister

Skincayro said...

thks u guy for ur support.i really appreciate it.thks again.