Friday, May 20, 2005

the ReVeNgE oF the SiTh!!!

last nite i went 2 c the final movie of the star wars saga, the final chapter of the saga, revenge of the sith.
what a ride it has been for me. i've being waiting for the saga to end since i was small.20 years of was worth, why becoz finally i understand how n why anakin skywalker turned to the darkside.the way darth siddious aka chancellor palpatine manage to manipulate the situation n events so to make sure that anakin will be on the darkside of the force, was so breath was so eleborate that even master yoda one of the most powerful jedi ever can not see it the same time it also shows u that although ur intention is good but the way u do it must b also in the correct path to make it a right thing.anakin join the darkside n became darth vader for the sake of his most beloved wife senator padme amidala.the jedi have a lot of ability one of it is being able to forsee the future through dreams.anakin has been troubled by a dream of his wife death.his heart was so distracted by this vision that it clouded his jugment.he managed to be turn into the darkside by darth siddious, for the promise that he can cheat his wife death by using the darkside of the this movie also, it shows how were the jedi being betrayed by the emperor n darth vader. the were a great massacere in the jedi left none of the jedi alived. few who manage to escape only two were known to us, it was master yoda n master obi-wan manage to save padme amidala just in time for to give birth to nxt generations of the skywalker clan.she died after the labour but manage to give name to her twins luke n leia.which plays an integral part in the down fall of the empire n also the sith.luke will become one of the most powerful n legendary jedi ever, he manage to rebuild the jedi academy.while leia will b a senator just like her mother was.
the was only few thing that i still feel inadequated, the whole saga didn't show how was powerful the skywalker clan was, wehy on earth they didn't shows quigon-gin again until nxt time adios amigos.

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