the story of skin cayro's life in this lovely earth. one of the proof of his existence. one of the way to express himself to the world! the good, the best , the bad and the ugly side of his life
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
god the almighty have given me a lot of opportunity
to meet up with my ol friends frm university and frm just seen.
yesterday evening around 4.30 i received a called frm one of my dormmate ema @ zamir.
he,fod n fucker(fucker) was lepakin together at coffee bean in shah alam.
he ask me wether i 1 2 join em.
i said yes n quickly made my move 2 join em.
it's been along time since i met with fod n fucker.
god i really appreciate what have gave me.
after i meet up with em,
we chat about our life now,
about our time i just seen,
and hope that we can still meet up in the future.
thank again god for ur great give.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
2day finally Dmontel rugby team shows they true nature.
with d arrival of all our kuda,
finally we became d bowl champion.
we have 3 games 2 day and we won all of em.
for d 1st game we have just enough player, just 8 of us.
d line up 4 d 1st game:
prop sopie & tok jan
hooker skin(myself)
scrumhalf pyan small
stand off bozo
center dagu
winger farid
reserved ary
then when d half time came another kuda arrived mr kole.
i asked for him 2 subtitute me cz i'm really tired.
mind you we were playing in blazing heat.
we manage to won d game 14-0.
4 d 2nd game(semi final bowl)
d line up:
prop tok jan & ary
hooker pyan small
scrumhalf farid
stand bozo
center dagu
winger kole
reserve skin
touch judge sopie
harharharhar we manage to over come the other team by few tries.
the result is 21-0
i played in d 2nd half becz ary faked an injury......damn a good actor.
even d referee bought it.
then i injured myself after i kick n chase the ball.i think injured my knee in the ruck.damn.......tak leh lari 4 few minutes gaks.
nasib team opponent tak tebok kt aku....hehehehehehe.
d final game vs sab(subang airbase)
i really hate this rugby team cz last year they stole my hp.
prop tok jan & ary
hooker pyan small
scrum half farid
stand bozo
center dagu
winger kole
touch judge sopie
this is only game that we conceded...hehehe 2 tries but they did not convert at all.
anyway they got their tries using their big forwards.
then my team got they rythm bck n start using our kuda we manage,
2 score 2 tries n convert 1 of it.
it enough 2 c we take the bowl championship.
i 1 2 play but my leg is killing me.
so we won d game 12-10.
harharhar padan muke subang airbase(sab)
overall my conclusion is that if we have more fitness and had d kuda frm d beginning
definitly we can go 4 the bigger championship.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
again d montel enter this tourney,
but the lack of commitment by d player let us down.
4 d 1st game we play 5 against 7.
but we still manage 2 keep d score nil-nil when the half time come.
just as d title above we were very unlucky cz in the 2nd half
we let 2 conveted tries n gave our opponet d win.
4 d 2nd game we face my schools ol boys....d ansara.
15 side we surely gonna kick their ass but this is 7 side so we got our ass kick.
3rd game also bear the same fate of the earlier game.
the prob with the team is that we r not that fit enough 2 play 7 side rugby.
and we also lack of kuda(term for sprint or runner), for 7 side.
hope in d future we gonna improve our 7 side team.
ok adios.
GooGLE + ol friends
his name is eshadiq @ adique @ bleukang. he was my roommate when i was studying in segamat(uitm). he work in kl but d problem is he always change his phone number like changing a shirt.
finally i just GooGLE his name n luckily i had few result matching my long lost friend. frm one of the result i manage 2 recognize a friend of mine who also a friend of his.
i email this friend askin 4 eshadiq phone number.
that all happens on monday n on d tuesday i manage go out n have a few drinks with my long lost friend.
i would have nvr found eshadiq if not 4 GooGLE.
it was so easy.lucky me.
than on thursday nite i when to medan's house just wanna hang out, but he told me that another friend of ours is coming 2 his house. his name is mr ZuLu.
after we pick him up at d segambut komuter station, we all have our dinner at blakang istana.
seronok gaks dpt mkn ikan bakar n just hang out with ol' friends.
after that we sang a few karaoke rock songs. at medan's house.
memekak tgh² mlm.
hope his neighbour will not complain about the noise.
2 day d montel have our 3rd ever training.......fuh pancit siut.
lari pdg 2 round jer.......but main touch rugby with 3 person per team that's d reason yg pancit 2.
2morrow we have another tourney but do not know wether have enough person 2 play.
comfirm mati agi esok.
Monday, November 14, 2005
I heed the advice but it is hard for to change urself when u think that u didn’t need to change. I did change but it is just for awhile. N I end up to doing the same ol’ mistakes all over again.
D 2nd thing that I found was also a letter written by me to that friend of my. D date on that my letter was September 2000. In that letter I really my friend for forgiveness for all my mistakes. I also wrote I’ll tried my best to change into a good n reliable person.
God knows that I never managed to do all that friend ask of me. That’s d things which bundle up inside of me all this years. Can I change into a better man? Can I b a good man? Can I b a reliable man?
Why I ask this questions d reasons is simple cz I let that friend n also my own self down.
It put a dent in my mind. I didn’t think that I can change to the person I ought to b.
It’s being going on for years in my mind. Until I watch a movie called sweet home Alabama. There’s a character name Jake, he lost his wife becz of his foolishness. He feel the only way to make it to her is by changing himself to b a better n reliable man to her. He in the movie he managed to change himself n win bck his wife. That’s kinda d fairy tale ending we love to c right?
I was so inspired by his determination 2 prove to his wife n also to himself he’s no loser. I really wanna b like him, not winning bck my wife cz I don’t have any, but the way he uses the bad experience into a motivation to b a successful man. I really wanna prove to my own self that I can achieve my dreams. I can change myself n prove to myself that once n for all that I’m not a fucking loser.
Thank god for letting me read that both letters again right now…… finally I understand n realize the advice n d reminder that friend had given to me. Sorry it took me 5 years to heed ur advice my friend. It took me a long time to grow up ……. I guess.
Reading it was hard cz all d past which I really wanna forget comes again to my mind but I realize it has happen……….I cannot do anything about it, except learn frm d mistakes that I made n never repeat it again. An also the importance of growing up in all aspects of my life. My physical, mental, emotional n spiritual must grow up parallel with my age n time on this earth.
I have already move on frm my past but reading the letters for me it’s God way to show me not to do d same mistakes. It’s a funny way to show it but…….I really thank god for it. I’ll keep it in my mind n close to my heart so I’ll never do it again to another person n to my own self.
Now I understand why it was hard for me to let go of my past. There’s only one thing, which made it difficult for me to let go which is regrets. I’m d type of human who always wanna do the best in all aspects of life. I did badly in d past n I really regret it n keep on thinking about it all d time. It consume me……. I was blinded by it. Until d day I saw that movie. Now I still feel regrets but I know the best things to do to get over it is by doing the best for my future. Now it fuels my heart n my desire for success, so when I look to my past I can say it wasn’t a bad experience but a learning experience which widened n richen my knowledge steer my acts for all my life. Well it is better to make a mistakes in ur youth rather than in ur prime.
It takes me a long time to grow up,…….. feel like an idiot but than again I’m just a human being. “to err is human” that’s me. Always doing things d hard way. But that is the benefit of making so many mistakes in ur life, u get to experience all d hardship, regrets n humiliations. As the saying “what didn’t kill u will make u stronger”. That’s d truth. Right now I’m stronger than d past. I’ve been through hell n now I’m back with vengeance.
I wrote this blog becz I wanna have a written confession….so that every time I feel like down n wanna give up, I’ll read this blog n remember the oath that I make to myself, n keep own fighting till my last breath in this world. I’m not stopping even when d fat lady sings, cz my whole life is depend on what I’m gonna do right this time around.
All great people were measured by what they do when they were faced with their greatest hardship whether they choose to quit or to keep on fighting until d end. All my idols have gone through hell n when they came back they r better than before. Cz when u r down n have nothing to lose that’s d best time to show d world what r u really made of.
May b I had written something similar in d past……….It just a way for me 2 express my feeling right now. Actions speaks louder than words……that’s true. When u keep on writing n say that u can change ur heart n confidence will believe that 2. when all this things merge together it will be one hell of a spirit that will help me in my fight against my own self. Myself is my worst enemy, I fail to understand that in d past but now I know in my heart if I fail again it will not b anyone else fault it just my own.
D odds may b against me but that is the hurdle that I must face to become what I’m destine to b. the risk is high but high risk high returns. I must do it for my own sake. This time around is d last I’ve got to prove to myself that I’m worthy living in this world. Not another scum back or another Malay trash.
In conclusions I wanna take this opportunity thank God almighty for always b there for me. To my family n friends who also always b there for me. N lastly to that friend who wrote that letter 5 years ago thanks for ur advice n reminder,
Urs truly,
Friday, November 11, 2005
malaysians movie
4 malaysian made movies.
compare 2 i lost count of how many oversea movie that i watch.
the 4 movie that i watch was:
1st---->buli => a film made by adflin shauki, he is one of my favorite comedian.
quite a funny film n fun 2 watch.
2nd---->puteri gunung ledang =>2 ol' skool for my liking,meaning the bahase not the
story line.damn apesal laks puteri 2 dr pulau jawe
3rd---->sepet =>the best movie ever been made here in malaysia for the past 15 years.
it show the true malaysian life style.the story line was simple yet
it manage to capture all the essens of malaysian culture.
4th---->gol & gincu =>a fun n new way to look at sport futsol from woman point of
view.can feel the reality of it.
sadly for me only 4 malaysian movie right now worth my money n time.
other are just plain stupid n with the use of bahase malay yg skema.
n stupid story line.
damn are all the producer n director here in malaysia
idiots with no sense of creativity n genius.
they should take their corean,japanese n even indonesian counterpart as
an example how to make a good movie.
for me the level of malaysian movies when compare to indonesians
are left behind for at least 10 years.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
CoREan MoVieS
i instantly like that movie n was impress by the way corean make they movie.
coz they bring nu n creative idea to a movie.
since then i'm addicted to corean movies.
not the horror one but the love,comedy n actions movies.
right now i want to buy 3 more corean movie 2 actions n 1 comedy.
at 1st i didn't expect that corean movies a that good, but now
i feel like they are more better then the hollywood.
their movie are fresh n just brilliant.
here is my top 10 corean movies.
1st---->my sassy girl
2nd---->spy girl
3rd---->sex is zero
4th---->my little bride
5th---->love is devine
7th---->korean gangster
9th---->volcano high
10th--->my tutor friend
i wish malaysian movie maker can b like their counterpart in corea.
it made me sad when watching the quality of malaysian movies right now.
only few are that good.other just stupid n unrealistic.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
beautiful Maria of my soul
in the sunlight of your smile
in the summer of our life
in the magic of love
storms above scattered away
lovers dreaming in the night
reaching for paradise
but as the dark shadows fade
love slips away
on an empty stretch of beach
in the pattern of the waves
drawingpictures with my hand
in the sand, I see your face
skipping pebbles on the sea
wishing for Paradise
sand castles crumble below
the restless tides ebb and flow
listening to a shell
hoping for your voice
beautiful Maria of my soul
though we'll always be apart
locked forever in a dream
ifI ever love again
even then, nothing will change
and the taste of you remains
clinging to Paradise
but as the distance from you grows
all that my heartever knows
hunger for your kiss
longing for your touch
beautiful Maria ofmy soul
filling all my nights
haunting all my days
beautiful Maria of my soul
the 1st time i heard this song is when i saw the movie mambo kings.
that was my 1st experience in the art of mambo.
the song was sang by los lobos.
it has a melodic tune n wonderful lyric.
it is one of my favorite tv series right now.
in 2nite episode a woman was admitted with a sleep sickness.
in can only infect her by 2 ways.
d 1st if she has ever been 2 africa.
d 2nd is she slept with a guy who has that disease.
after much discussion it is the 2nd way which got her infected with
the african sleep disease.
it is very hard for her hushband.
it is because he love her somuch.
the betrayal is to much for him 2 bare.
after the wife came out of the comma,
he left of the doctor tried 2 make him stay but,
the fact he knows that his wife love him,
didn't stop him from leaving her.
my question what would i do if i was in his shoes?
would i stay with my wife who cheats on me?
or would i left her?
it is a very hard question 2 ask myself.
but i already know my answer.
no matter how much she love me or how much i love her,
once she already cheated me with another man,
i'll definitely left her.
my reason is simple.
it is not the matter of trust.but the matter of speciality.
for me if my wife has been touch by another man,
then what is left for me that is very special to me only.
for me my wife is only for me.
what i get from her cannot b share with another man.
that's why i'm not keen on other man's girls or woman.
1st cz i know what they(the women) mean to the guys.
2ndly most of the women have already given their guys what guys wants from a women.
and u gonna have their left overs.why must u have something that has been used before
when u can get a brand new n fresh ones.
i really cannot stand if my girl has been touch or seen by other man.
but that just me.
cz i really want my girl to special to me only.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Monday, September 26, 2005
The Scientist
Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you
Tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart
Tell me your secrets
Ask me your questions
Oh, let's go back to the start
Running in circles
Coming up tales
Heads on a science apart
Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh, take me back to the start
I was just guessing
At numbers and figures
Pulling your puzzles apart
Questions of science
Science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart
Tell me you love me
Come back and haunt me
Oh, and I rush to the start
Running in circles
Chasing tales
Coming back as we are
Nobody said it was easy
Oh, it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I'm going back to the start...
this song i heard it 1st when i saw the video clip on mtv.
i instantly got hook because of its catchy tune.
than when i went 2 c the movie wicker park,
i heard it again because it was on this movie soundtrack.
damn coldplay always come up with a good song with a catchy tune.
the lyrics is quite meaningful 2.
this song almost single handedly tell what the movie is about.
for me this movie wicker park is 1 hell of a movie.....if u miss it
shame on u. pls get urself a dvd of this movie,
it is definitely a movie worth watching for.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
HAppY BiRtHDay :)
Happy birthday 2 me,
happy birthday 2 me,
Happy birthday 2me,
hmm........2day 24th september 2005, i'm officially 24 years old.
i was born in klang on this same date........24th september 1981,
i felt kinda weird.....when ur age match ur birthday date.
the best part is i don't feel like i'm 24 years old.
may b because life 4 mens start at 4o.
hehehehe most women hate that part because they think it is an excuse
use by men to search out other possiblelities.
i really thank god for letting me celebrate my 24th birthday.
although i'm just 24.........i've already accumulate enough experience on life.
been through ups n downs.
in all aspects of life.........mentally,physically,spiritually n financially.......ohh almost forgot
also in love.
for me all the experience above have made me a betterman.
some experience have made my mind opens 2 new idea.
some experience have thought me how 2 react in certain situation.
some experience have made me feel new feelings......feelings that i used 2 read or saw in a movie.
i really appreciate what i've got now but.........i still wanna keep improving myself,
because in this material world money n knowlegde are powerful tools,
that can help me achieve my dreams n my goals.
for my master ALLAH SWT,
i'll try my best to be a good slave...a slave always obey UR rules n order.
for without U my LORD.....i'm just a insect in this universe of URS.
my sign is libra..........that's y i'm a person that believe in balance.

like the chinese yin-yang......libra sign is the weighing scale.

that's y i've a problem when it come 2 ISLAM.
because i'm a a person who like balance in everything that i do.
so half of my life is for this materials world n another half for the next.
kinda hard for me to give this world up n give my heart n soul for the nxt.
anyway i would like to thks my family for supporting me all this years, my friends who always b there for me through thick n thin.
urs truly:
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
heart......... ;)

this is one of my fovorite songs of all use 2 b just a song 2 me which has a lovely n catchy tune.but few years ago this song became a reality to me.the lyrics of this song became my story,i really connected with the song.i sang it so my times that the lyrics was printed in my sub-consious.though that was in the i'm cured of that sickness, whoah.....thank god i manage 2 move on.......damn the journey was hard but right now it started to pay me some divident.i c the world with different view........a change man.......a man with something to prove to my ownself.sick n tired of living with all past memories which only causes me pain........gonna seek new n lovelier memories than be4.
though sometimes when i'm alone a thought come 2 me.where do i gonna find a women that can say that vows......."through health n sickness,for richer or poor to death do us a part." n honour that vows until their death.right now it is hard to find a woman that can do that the past it was very easy.for me most of the women right now when their love ones face with a problem which resulted in the women pain.......the women will leave tha poor man to just a mistake........that can b heal by love."anything happened i'll always by urside"is a dialogue that women love to said to man.but when things come to worse.......the man really needed her......she gives up.through thick n thin my ass!!!!!!!!!!!
can i ever trust a women?can i trusted her with my heart n soul? it's only can be answer by me when i face a woman that i gonna b falling in love in the future.because for now the things above is just a minor distraction 2 me in achiving my dreams.
the thing that made me write this because i just seen the movie CINDERELLA MAN it is a true story of the heavyweight champion JAMES J.BRADDOCK the bulldog of bergen.i really amaze how his wife was standing beside him through all the hard time,since she was married to him when he was a young prodigy the "great depression" jim was out of his luck.......he has to beg to all the promoters for money to settle the electric bills fo the sake of keeping his family 2gether.for the rest of the story better u go n c the movie urself.for me if i ever manage to find a woman like mae braddock it would've make my life so complete.
for the women out there pls set mae braddock as ur example, she is a loyal wife,a good mother n most of all she always stand by her man.
as 4 myself right now i really like being single because i'm not stabile enough to sustain a relationship phsycally,mentally n financially.haven't found the right woman yet......hope in the future when i'm already achieve my goals n dreams.....i'll find a woman that will stand by me until death do us a part.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
bad luck....huh!?
the reasons:
@-------->my streamyx connection is very not stabile, it cause me setbcks in my job.
(damn lerrr tmnet!!!!)
@-------->my favorite club has been in a slump, REAL MADRID 3 defeats in 3 game.
(come on guys pls be d galacticos that u r!!!!)
@--------->approaching my 24th birthday but still at the same place as 5 years ago.
(argh!!!!!! not lookin 4ward 4 it.)
@--------->do not know what i wanna do 4 my birthday.
(got prob with my financial)
@--------->my life rite now is in gapping down movement.
(wait n c when it gonna achieve gapping up!!)
@--------->have a problem in faith.
(still working 2 b a good muslim)
Monday, August 22, 2005
TiRinG WeeKenD!!!!!!!!!!!!
1st------->on friday nite i stay up late n didn't sleep at all 2 study n do some homework
(hate it but must do it)
2nd------>on saturday morning when to perindu's field 2 play rugby 4 account's team.
(manage 2 get into quarter finals)
3rd------>that evenig just lepakin at my fren's house n watched how the springboks beat
4th------>that nite around 7.45pm my fren n i started our journey 2 Port Dickson
(had a party to attend)
5th------>that saturday nite my fren n i party all nite long, from 9pm until 3am.
(what a party!!!!)
6th------>damn my fren n i were actually being fooled by the ads of that party.
(it's a rave party only but the ads says there's gonna b r&b 2)
7th------>so i didn't sleep again for 2 nites.after that when bck 2 my fren house laks.
(didn't get any sleep coz layan ngk astro laks.)
8th------>finally got myself 2 sleep around 8am on that sunday morning.
(wake up around 5pm in the evening.)
9th------>the party was full of beautiful n sexy gurls but also the other side of it.
(damn i saw an underaged malay slut!!!)
10th----->come 2 think of it, that's why we the malay are fast becoming like kafir
cz most of us prefer 2 go 2 a party than 2 the mosque.
(peringatan for myself lerr)
that's my very tiring weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, August 12, 2005
ThE StAR SpANgLeD BaNnEr!!!!
By the dawn's early light,
What so proud we hail'd,
At the twilight's last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes n bright stars,
Through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched,
Were so gallantly streaming,
And the rockets' red glare,
The bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof to the night,
That our flag is still there,
Oh, say does that STAR SPANGLED BANNER yet wave,
many people surely offended by my blog this time.
although the US is currently the only super power in the world,
n like to wage a war on others,
but for me the US symbolize the everything humans, especially becoz US is the land of freedom n oppurturnity.
u see US gain their independence through a war with british while we malaysians using conference, after agreeing on british terms than we were grant an independence.while the ol' malay like mat kilau, abdul rahman limbong n the peraks royalty, for me are the true heroes of our independence be coz they sacrifies a lot espesially their blood for this country.not that person who goes to the conference with british.that's why i'm not patriotic any more coz i realize that those men who sacrifies their blood for this country were left behind compare to the one who just go talking wit the british.they fight the british at the time when the sultans themself were afraid to say it out loud.the sultans chicken out, while the people died for them.long live indenpendence my ass!!!!!!!!!!!!
nat king cole's SonG!!!
O is 4 the only one i c,
V is very, very extraodinary,
E is even more than anyone that u adore can
love is all that i can give 2 u
love more than just a game 4 two
two in love can make it
take my heart n pls don't break it
love was made for me n u.
repeat verse1
repeat verse2
+ love was made for me n u,
love was made for me n u,
love was made for me n u.
unLUcKy WeEk!!!!!
1st :( -----> i did badly at the MAS phsycomotor test, argh!!!!!!!!
2nd :(-----> i just know that the stupid MBSA had summon me for rm250 for parking tickets.
(i've already pay it damn!!! pokai aku di buat nyer)
3rd :(------> haze, is every where.why can't the indonesians just cut the trees.
(bodo lerr indon nih, nk save cost but negare aku yg kener suffer!)
4th :(-------> SAF(sukan antare Fakulti) has been postponed or cancel(i'm not sure which one)
due 2 the haze.(aku nk main rugby lerrrr!!!!)
5th :(--------> Can not c Charlie n d Chocolate factory cz seats a limited.(argh!!!!!! nk tgk johnny depp)
6th :(--------> being missin dat lovely gurl wit a smile dat melt my heart.(takot nk buat move daa!!!!)
7th :(---------> last week my team(ALL BLACKS) were beaten by springboks.(cisss bengang aku lerr)
hope nxt week will a better one lerr. damn i'm really tense rite now.can just blow up at any moment lerrr.
adios amigos!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, August 05, 2005
its been a long time.........
1st @>---> i lost my grandmama.she finally died peacefully.only regret i wasn't there 2
witness her last breath.
2nd @>---> TUN M make a fuss about ap which brings this country into quite a dispute.
4 me he 's just worried that proton has lost its edge againts imported cars.
PROTON is just damn foul!!!!!!!
3rd @>---> Real Madrid manage 2 sign 2 brasillian player.julio baptista n robinho.
it's gonna b one hell of a season.
4th @>---> already seen all the nu movies.War of d world,seven sword,F4 n stealth.
what enjoyment its been 4 me.
5th @>--->fall in love with an actress name jessica biel.
she has all d qualities that i want from a woman.
she's perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6th @>---> my rugby team the mighty all blacks win the lion tour 3-0.
long live the haka!!!!!
7th @>---> found a gurl that i kinda like but still afraid to make a move on her.
she's so lovely.........with a smile that can lit up the whole world.
a smile that melt my heart from the moment i met her.
8th @>---> manage to find a way 2 finally shut the people who said i got no future.
we gonna c who got the last laugh.
9th @>---> been requested for an interview with mas for pilot position.
i'll try my best.
what a great month for me.hope it is to you 2.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
DoA CaRi JoDoH!!!!!!!
tapi kalau bukan jodohku,
jodohkanlah jugak....
jika dia tidak berjodoh denganku,
maka jadikanlah kami jodoh.....
kalau dia bukan jodohku,
jangan sampai dia dapat jodoh yang lain,selain aku....
kalau dia tidak bisa di jodohkan denganku,
jangan sampai dia dapat jodoh yang lain,
biarkan dia tidak berjodoh sama seperti,
Dan saat dia telah tidak memiliki jodoh,
jodohkanlah kami kembali.....
kalau dia jodoh orang lain,
Jodohkanlah dengan ku.....
jika dia tetap menjadi jodoh orang lain,
biar orang itu ketemu jodoh dengan yang lain dulu dan,
kemudian jodohkan kembali dia dengan ku....
" AMIN....."
thanks mr imad for this doa. harharhar what a powerfull doa this is hehehehehehe :)
just wandering ader sesaper ker yg amalkan doa nih btul². hehehehehehehe
Monday, June 20, 2005
the haka!!!
According to Maori ethos, Tama-nui-to-ra, the Sun God, had two wives, Hine-raumati, the Summer maid, and Hine takurua, the Winter maid. The child born to him and Hine-raumati was Tane-rore, who is credited with the origin of the dance. Tane-rore is the trembling of the air as seen on the hot days of summer, and represented by the quivering of the hands in the dance.
Haka is the generic name for all Maori dance. Today, haka is defined as that part of the Maori dance repertoire where the men are to the fore with the women lending vocal support in the rear. Most haka seen today are haka taparahi, haka without weapons.
More than any aspect of Maori culture, this complex dance is an expression of the passion, vigour and identity of the race. Haka is not merely a past time of the Maori but was also a custom of high social importance in the welcoming and entertainment of visitors. Tribal reputation rose and fell on their ability to perform the haka (Hamana Mahuika).
Haka reflected the concerns and issues of the time, of defiance and protest, of factual occurrences and events at any given time
Haka History
The centrality of the haka within All Black rugby tradition is not a recent development. Since the original "All Black" team of "New Zealand Natives" led by Joseph Warbrick the haka has been closely associated with New Zealand rugby. Its mystique has evolved along with the fierce determination, commitment and high level skill which has been the hallmark of New Zealand's National game.
The haka adds a unique component, derived from the indigenous Maori of New Zealand, and which aligns with the wider Polynesian cultures of the Pacific.
The All Blacks perform the haka with precision and intensity which underpin the All Black approach.
We're going to die! We're going to die!
Chorus KA ORA, KA ORA!
We're going to live! We're going to live
We're going to die! We're going to die!
Chorus KA ORA, KA ORA!
We're going to live! We're going to live!
This is the man, so hairy
who fetched, and made shine the .
sun! Upward step! Another ... !
An upward step! Another... !
The sun shines!
HI !
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Thursday, June 16, 2005
mY jOuRnEy2
so in 4 days i've all over malaysia lerrr. waaaaaa byk penat terpakse lerrr aku meng mc kan diri aku keesokkan ari nyer.harharhar manager leh percaye yg aku kene sakit mate daaa.sedangkan just magic yg sebabkan mate aku merah,doktor kat klinik perubatan shah alam pun berjaya aku tipu.heheheheehehehe.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
mY jOuRnEy
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Friday, May 20, 2005
the ReVeNgE oF the SiTh!!!
what a ride it has been for me. i've being waiting for the saga to end since i was small.20 years of was worth, why becoz finally i understand how n why anakin skywalker turned to the darkside.the way darth siddious aka chancellor palpatine manage to manipulate the situation n events so to make sure that anakin will be on the darkside of the force, was so breath was so eleborate that even master yoda one of the most powerful jedi ever can not see it the same time it also shows u that although ur intention is good but the way u do it must b also in the correct path to make it a right thing.anakin join the darkside n became darth vader for the sake of his most beloved wife senator padme amidala.the jedi have a lot of ability one of it is being able to forsee the future through dreams.anakin has been troubled by a dream of his wife death.his heart was so distracted by this vision that it clouded his jugment.he managed to be turn into the darkside by darth siddious, for the promise that he can cheat his wife death by using the darkside of the this movie also, it shows how were the jedi being betrayed by the emperor n darth vader. the were a great massacere in the jedi left none of the jedi alived. few who manage to escape only two were known to us, it was master yoda n master obi-wan manage to save padme amidala just in time for to give birth to nxt generations of the skywalker clan.she died after the labour but manage to give name to her twins luke n leia.which plays an integral part in the down fall of the empire n also the sith.luke will become one of the most powerful n legendary jedi ever, he manage to rebuild the jedi academy.while leia will b a senator just like her mother was.
the was only few thing that i still feel inadequated, the whole saga didn't show how was powerful the skywalker clan was, wehy on earth they didn't shows quigon-gin again until nxt time adios amigos.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
the JaCkEt!!!!
Monday, May 16, 2005
Thursday, May 12, 2005
KiNgDoM of HeAvEn!!!!
Friday, May 06, 2005
well done liverpool!!!
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
i said to a fren of mine, damn!!!!! so many of our colleague r getting marry while i'm still
hasn't got any fren said to me back well join the club.luckily there's 2 other of my closest fren which is in the same position.
but it made me thinking about my own life.what i really wanna do with it.
actually i do know what to do. but hearing n seeing most of my fren already married or getting marry make me terbalik lerr.presssure lerr, why? they have already living my dreams where else i'm is every man dreams to have a good job, find a nice woman n settle down.
a good job can easily b found but a nice woman which can satisfied ur heart is very hard to find.
watching most of my fren now have a wife or a gurlfren, they make it look so easy to b done.
the reality it is hard to do.
my problem right now is that i really wanna find a woman that i can call my bini.not awek.why when u call a woman ur bini it shows that u really wanna marry this gurl.this gurl is the 1 for u.ur future wife.
it is hard 2 b alone, with no one to share ur feelings.loneliness...........damn it is sucks.
u can try so many things to get over it. just like i did.i do drugs......hehehehehe only marijuana.i did drinks except for beer(i hate it)........i prefer helps just for temporary.then the loneliness came again,so the circles start again.
finally i manage to quit those things except 4 the marijuana which i still smoke it but kadang² jer.
i realized those thing only helps me for a moment not even getting over it.
that's why i can really feel i mean really dig akon's song lonely except that i don't have any girlfren.
hehehehe loneliness can definitely kill u from the kills u painfully n very slowly.u wish u were dead along time ago.
a sad day!!!!!!!!!
i'm surely gonna miss him a lot.although i started close with him only few years ago, he managed to make me feel like i've been close 2 him for along time.
for me he is a great example of a great the face of great perils he always turn to God Almighty for help.he just can turn his back on my batchmate n i after haris died, but he stay on n b a major part of life 2 most jasinians98.
uncle never short with great advices for me everytime i went 2 c him.even when he's not well he managed to give me a great advice.he ask my fellow batchmate n i 2 stop smoking.that's his last advice to me.
everytime i went to his house,he and his family always welcome us as if i was their son.i was really touch by unlce's gestured towards me.everytime i went to his house it was hard for me to leave. why? becoz i was so happy when i'm in his house.
we can talk everything to him n ask for his opinion.he always help my batchmate n i when we need someone to talk.
he also always ask us to b faithfull to GOD n our parents.he always lead the prayer when we pray at his house.he is for me an example of a leader.
may god bless him n his family.
if i gonna have my own family i really hope that i can b like him.he is my idol.really hope i can follow the way he lead his family.
just like Don Corleone in the movie Godfather, he is figure head of jasianians98.
Uncle Raof u r gonna b miss but not Forgotten.
the legacy that u left behind will always make us remember u for all eternity.
Saturday, April 30, 2005
it's been a long time!!!!
Thursday, April 21, 2005
from johor with..........
Saturday, April 16, 2005
D'montel reports
the forwards:
prop-wak n ucop
2nd row sofie(andi) n azmeer aka maybank
flanker- ajis lion n azmi
number 8-arip matori- lion legend
the backline
halfback aka scrumhalf - pian kecik
flyhalf -pak yeh
inside- bozo(pian big)
open wing-soyot
blind wing - skin(haji fuadjr)
one cheer for d'montel!!!!!!!!!!! hurrah!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, April 15, 2005
Thursday, April 07, 2005
marriage aka kawen!!!!!
he is one of many of my batch member who already manage 2 get married.
what a lucky guy!!!!
marriage is kinda sensitive subject 2 some of us right?
for me it is a very big step to take.
why..... becoz as a man, u r gonna b the leader of ur family,
it is a very big muslim u have 2 didik n tunjuk ur wife to the right path.
hehehehe kalo diri sendiri pon tak betul cam ner laks nak tunjuk kat wife jln yg betul.
i know in this world there's some issue concerning marriage for womans.
especially wether ur future husband can b trusted or not.
it is very hard to say this thing coz i'm a man but man r stupid.
becoz there's man who have everything such a good wife n family, but still he wanna get marry for 2nd time.
for me he's a fool becoz things not gonna b easier as u predict but it's gonna get so messy.
but to all my woman fren, do not let this thing get to u. always think good about ur man.
pray a lot to the GOD almighty that ur future husband gonna b insan rabbani.godly man.
from what i've seen all my fren who have get married their life seems happier compare to me.
i speak of this things becoz i'm sick of hearing a guy did polygamy when he already has a very good wife.
it happen a lot in my family.mostly the 2nd wife are not better than the first but worst.
they married out of nafsu jerr.
so pls to all my fren who r a man pls b faithfull 2 ur wife or spouse. b a gentleman!!!!!
to all my fren who r a woman pls also b faithfull 2 ur husband.b a good muslimah.
and pls take a good care of urself so the husband cannot have an excuse to get marry again.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
some people say u must think of ur emotion 1st before anyone else. but there's also a saying u must think about what people feeling before urs.which one is true for all of us.for me u must know what is ur own situation before making ur judgement whether u wanna choose urs or the people 1st.asses ur stiutation very carefully becoz it can effect ur life and the people around u.sometimes u still can make a mistake although u've give a careful thought about it.i did learnt it the hard is sucks when u really hurt some one who is close to u, although u really didn't meant to hurt them.i really thought the person who gonna get hurt was me coz that thing was so stupid, but it turn out it coz my fren to hurt even more than me.again i beg for forgiveness from u my fren.i've been regretting for the whole weekend and i still feel it today.
that's is why u must think very carefull when u wanna voice out ur emotion coz it is very dangerous.
emotion is the controller of our mind.our mind does not have the control over our emotion, for example sometime when we r angry we do the things that we gonna regrets.
so better be very carefull with ur n people emotion, becoz it can came back n haunt u.
Saturday, April 02, 2005
maafkan daku kawan!!!!!
i'm really sori my fren to coz u a lot of pain.pls except my highest apologise 4 what i've done 2 u.
this is a part of song i wanna dedicate 2 u.
pls forgive me my dear fren, shouldn't do what i did.
pls u can do anything to me as long as u'll forgive me.
rela di hukum lerr kerana menyakiti hati u my fren.
Monday, March 28, 2005
so here goes.
for me when this word is for woman who can dress themself based on the occation their gonna attend 2 where their dress n make up gonna be the talk of the function..
for example when attending a function she would wear an evening gown with so beautiful n intimidating to the other womans who when to that function.if is a malay woman i would prefer her to wear an ol' skool baju kebaya.but she must have an ass or a body 2 die for.hehehehehehe.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
a good AdVIce!!!!!!!!
to my fren pls take this as a lesson for all of us.
hereby i admit that i'm no longer a smoker since last sunday.hehehehehe by stop smoking u can save a lot of money 2!!!!!!
ok adios.
SHAH ALAM around 1.30pm, i went 4 lunch wit imad n din suddenly i realize that my vision kinda blurry.
i thought 2 myself of my GOD!!!!!! something is wrong with my eyes.may b it is coz by waking up late n 2 much seating in front of the monitors?! than suddenly it hit me, may b shah alam is in haze. so i asked imad wether shah alam is in haze n he answered yess lerrr skin. huh............ i feel so glad hehehehehehe i didn't have any defect in my eyes. anyway why on earth shah alam is in haze!!!!!! it is becoz of that land clearing done by those developers which is actually a very big mistake created by the MB himself.hehehehehehehe.damn yesterday my housing area was again being fogged by the MBSA, damn AEDES mosquitoes!!! hehehehehehe
byed pls don't b angry with the pictures that i post. sajer nak try² post but tak sengaje terpost ur fingers lerr.hehehehe sori.
Monday, March 21, 2005
what i did last weekend!!!!!!
on sunday woke up kinda early around 7.30 am n help my parents around the house.after that i rush to go n pick miss aina so we both can go to awad's only take 20 minutes to get to aina house using the ol' shah alam -sg buloh road.what a record!!!!!! with out being sesat although baru 1st time go to her house.
giler panas siutt malaysia nih, dehydration all of us guys who went to awad's wedding but luckily the AIR GURL(miss aina n miss byed) was there to help us by bring 3 jug of syrup.
hmmmm thres few thing happen after that but i just don't want to write coz it is not important.
although i must say that BYED'S HAND GOT THE MOST ATTENTION COMPARE 2 AWAD' HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!! tree branch hand and deer horn fingers what a combination. hehehehehehehe
what a match that would b. 2 eternal rivals who share the same home ground, the legendary san siro stadium.
harharhar imad i'm sorry my fren but i think ac gonna kick inter out of the champion league again.
juventus vs liverpool
damn liverpool gonna have a torrid time when this two face each other coz on the paper juve is the better teams.
chelsea vs bayern
come on bayern pls beat the shit out of chelsea. damn how could a team which so fucking boring with an arrogant manager can still b in this competition.
lyon vs psv
definitely lyon gonna make it into the semi finals.
why naming my blog marijuana, marijuana/mary jane/ganja is a natural is the most common drug that u caN find all over the world. the rasta is the only people in the world that can bring marijuana in to another country....... i think.but the best place on earth r still holland where all drugs a legalize.
wether i do smoke it it is between me n god to know hehehehehehehehe, the best film about marijuana is still by 2 of wu tang members method man n red man, the movie is call how high.