Wednesday, March 23, 2005


SHAH ALAM around 1.30pm, i went 4 lunch wit imad n din suddenly i realize that my vision kinda blurry.
i thought 2 myself of my GOD!!!!!! something is wrong with my eyes.may b it is coz by waking up late n 2 much seating in front of the monitors?! than suddenly it hit me, may b shah alam is in haze. so i asked imad wether shah alam is in haze n he answered yess lerrr skin. huh............ i feel so glad hehehehehehe i didn't have any defect in my eyes. anyway why on earth shah alam is in haze!!!!!! it is becoz of that land clearing done by those developers which is actually a very big mistake created by the MB himself.hehehehehehehe.damn yesterday my housing area was again being fogged by the MBSA, damn AEDES mosquitoes!!! hehehehehehe
byed pls don't b angry with the pictures that i post. sajer nak try² post but tak sengaje terpost ur fingers lerr.hehehehe sori.

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